Friday, 30 May 2014

Steph Jeavons and Lois Pryce

Steph Jeavons and Lois Pryce

I have just finished reading Steph Jeavons blog.   I wanted to follow her from day one but was not able to do so, but now I am up to date with her adventures. I have known she was going off to travel round the world. I wanted to meet her at the Excel Motorcycle Show in London last February, to wish her the best with her imminent departure and have a chat, but there was not enough time to do so. Now I have seen her website I am impressed how she has achieved her goal.

 Her blog is full of information about the preparation, which I feel is the stage I am at. By reading her blog you get a good feel for what she is experiencing; from the countries she travelling through, the people she meets, to the difficulties she encounters. Her trip is a very long one, (as the world is rather large planet) so I am looking forward to many more months of reading. I have signed myself up for regular updates, so I can read them as they become live.

On her blog she has a list of good inspirational books to read and I have found some of these books in Kevin’s office. The first book I read about people travelling the world, or part of the world, was, Lois on the loose. I was given this book to read by my dear friend Jonathan. When I talked to him about my plan to do a big trip on my own, the next time he came to see me, he gave me the book of Lois to read.  I was fascinated to read that she, one day decided, she didn’t feel like working in an office anymore and then took off, to discover the world and most likely found herself.
My life has been completely ‘demolished’ a year ago, and my future wiped out. In this book I was reading that it is possible as a girl to go and discover the worId alone. A seed was sown in my head, which now occupies my thoughts every day. When I finished the book I decided that that is what I must do. Lois is my inspiration. I can see now, I can perhaps achieve the same. I do hope so.

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